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It is that time of the year once again. The Cornhusker Breeders and Open Futurity/Derby/Open 5D will be held in McCook, Nebraska again on August 29-31, 2025. Since taking over the event four years ago we have increased the number of entries, added money, awards and added a Slot Race, Youth and PeeWee Race. We continue to work hard to make our event fun and family friendly. Our free BBQ will be held on Saturday night again this year. We would love for you to join us so we can thank you and introduce you.

This year we are offering an early bird registration discount for stallion enrollment completed before January 1, 2025. (Stallion fee $400, Deceased stallion $200, Junior Stallion $200) The stallion enrollment fee after January 1 will continue to be $500, or $250 for deceased stallions, and Junior Stallions who have less than 3 foal crops can be enrolled for $250. One hundred percent of the stallion enrollment fee goes to the added money for the Breeders Futurity and Breeders Derby. In 2025, we plan to choose 2 events that will have a Cornhusker Cash Bonus as a part of their futurity. The bonus money will be awarded to futurity horses that have a sire enrolled in the Cornhusker. Stay tuned for which events we select to host the bonus.


Again in 2025, we will be offering all stallion owners the opportunity to have their commercial air during the webcast approximately 20 times per day, all you need to do is email the commercial to me. We continue to include our stallions in all advertising in multiple print publications and online in the following: Barrel Horse News, The Wrangler, Todays Horse, BBR World Finals Program, UNL Rodeo Program/Website, Barrel Futurity Calendar and many more.


Please notify me as soon as possible about your enrollment status so we can add you to advertising immediately. You can mail a check or pay with Venmo. Thank you for your consideration and support. We could not hold the event without the support of all of our stallion owners. Please call or email me if you have questions. Thank you again for your support.

God Bless,
Cristi Copsey-Gaffney
Cornhusker Futurity LLC

Please fill out the pdf form and return the completed form to: Cornhusker Futurity LLC, 82257 Linscott Ave., Anselmo, NE 68813 or complete the online form along with payment. 


Admission fee for this course is $10


Select all incentives stallion is enrolled in:
Early Bird Discount: before January 1, 2025
After January 1, 2025
100% of the stallion enrollment fees are used for the added money in the Breeders Futurity, Breeders Derby and new this year we will offer incentives for the Open, Senior and Youth who ride horses of any age sired by enrolled stallions.
Webcast Commerical
2025 Webcast: your stallion commercial will air 20 times per day during the webcast of the Cornhusker Futurity.  you will need to submit your commercial by August 10, 2025.
Upload File
Upload File
Application Agreement:
  1. All online enrollments must be paid by check or Venmo in full.  Payment must be paid within two weeks of submission of application, or it will be discarded.
    • Mail check to: Cornhusker Futurity LLC, 82257 Linscott Ave., Anselmo, NE 68813​
    • Venmo at: @cristigaffney
  2. A copy of the registration papers must be uploaded with application.
  3. Please send or attach a high-resolution photo or flyer to be added to the website.
  4. One form per stallion.  If you have dropped out since 2009 there is a reinstatement fee of $100.  Whoever pays the enrollment fee will receive the stallion incentive money.
  5. Cornhusker Breeders and Open Barrel Futurity reserves the right to refuse enrollment to any stallion.
  6. By submitting enrollment application and making payment into the Cornhusker Breeders and Open Barrel Futurity, you agree to comply with the rules set forth for this program.​
  7. Cornhusker Futurity LLC reserves the right to refuse or terminate any person or contract.
SIGNATURE - Please verify you have read all the rules.

Thanks for enrolling!

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